Booringa Action Group is a passionate community based organisation that is involved in the future development of Mitchell Queensland and its surroundings. Mitchell Queensland has a real sense of community and 'Booringa Action Group' brings the community together to help benefit our town through pure love and passion. BAG meetings are organised every month to keep you updated and have conversations around community interests and concerns, please feel free to contact us if you wish to be part of it, we can't wait to welcome you in our community life.
Prior 2015 and Ongoing Acheivements:
+ Responsible for the establishment of the QGAP Office after the earlier closure of the Mitchell Queensland Courthouse
+ Hosted Future Search Workshops
+ Brought Motivational Speakers to Mitchell to assist local businesses
+ Conducted numerous Aussie Host Training programs
+ Instrumental in maintaining a sawmilling industry in Mitchell
+ Instrumental, together with the Maranoa Retirement Village Auxilliary in ensuring the continuation of an Aged Care Facility in Mitchell
+ Combines with the Rotary Club of Mitchell to stage the annual Xmas in the Park
+ Organises and runs the annual Late Night Shopping program
+ Published the Bottle Tree Bulletin since 2010
+ Set up and ran the Flood Appeal in 2012
+ Lobbied Government for the retention of a Queensland Rail work force in Mitchell
+ Produces the BAG Calendar to promote local businesses
+ Funded the 2015 rodeo to enable the sports club to regain financial viability
+ Arranged and hosted the Councillor Forum for intending Councillors in 2016
+ Planned and conducted the inaugural New Year’s Eve Family Night in 2016 and 2017
+ Hosts the Booringa Action Group Facebook Page and Mitchell Instagram.
+ Negotiated with Maranoa Regional Council the right to restore, upgrade and maintain the River Walks
+ Established and operates (with the support of the Sports Club) a regular Courtesy Bus Service to ferry Tourist to and from the Mitchell Business area
+ Created and launched the Mitchell and the Great Artesian Spa webpage
+ Achieved RV Friendly Accreditation for the town of Mitchell with the assistance and support of Maranoa Regional Council
+ Achieved 4.5 star rating (out of 5) on both TripAdvisor and Google
+ Successful in securing a grant through FRRR for the Visitor Information Centre furniture upgrade in July 2019
+ Re-established the Fire and Water Festival in conjunction with RESQ+, Nalingu Aboriginal Corporation, Gunggari Native Title Aboriginal Corporation
+ Great Artesian Spa - Australian Good Food Guide - Readers’ Choice Award 2019
+ Successfully organised, fundraised and developed the Johnny Murray Memorial in conjunction with RESQ+
+ Completed the Mitchell Visitor Information Centre upgrade within the Great Artesian Spa Complex
+ Became an accredited Visitor Information Centre
+ Maintained 4.5 star rating (out of 5) on both TripAdvisor and Google
+ Great Artesian Spa - Invested and upgraded the grounds and surrounds.
+ Applied and received Grant funding for our sub committee FOG to upgrade their Gallery lighting and trackwork ($17,000.00) with the support from FRRR and MRC.
+ Held the Leap Night Bush Fire Relief Fundraiser in Feb 2020
+ Received the Community Event of the Year Award 2020 for the Booringa Fire and Water Festival as part of the Australia Day awards
+ Held a new Christmas Light competition.
+ Maintained 4.5 star rating (out of 5) on both TripAdvisor and Google
+ Spearheaded the campaign to overturn the Sunwater ban on camping at the Neil Turner Weir
+ Great Artesian Spa – TripAdvisor Travellers Choice Award 2021
+ Best of Queensland Experiences 2021
+ Maranoa Business Awards – Medium Business of the year and Tourism & Hospitality Business of the Year – Runner up for Business of the Year
+ Held the Bi-annual Booringa Fire and Water Festival – September 2021
+ Great Artesian Spa – Invested and upgraded the Cafe facility
+ Received grant funding to partially fund a new Courtesy Bus
+ A continued rating of 4.5 Stars on TripAdvisor
+ Continuing to publish the Bottle Tree Bulletin
+ Christmas in the Park December 2021 (with Rotary)
+ Late Night Shopping 2021
+ Continued development of the River Walks with Rotary, RESQ and other interested groups
+ Continued operation and enhancement of the Great Artesian Spa
+ Investigation and development of the Booringa Community Farm in conjunction with RESQ+ and with the support of Nalingu Aboriginal Corporation, Gunggari Native Title Aboriginal Corporation and Maranoa Regional Council

+ Developed GAS as a centre for Wellbeing
+ Developed the GAS as a place of employment and training for young people.
+ Establishing an accredited Visitor Information Centre
+ Establishing a regular program of events for the Aged Community (supported by the Courtesy Bus)
+ Establishing a regular program of varied events to enhance general community enjoyment of the facility
+ Enlarging the range of visiting specialist services and programs at the GAS
+ Working co-operatively with other local and regional tourist facilities for mutual benefit
+ Actively promoting the GAS and local tourist industry
+ Pursuing excellence in safety, presentation and service